BlackFire Cavaliers
In Memoriam
Below is a tribute to some of the wonderful canine partners
whom we have lost over the years.
AKC Champion
BlackFire I Approved This Message
October 1, 2012 - February 2, 2024
Tag was born during the height of a Presidential campaign, which inspired her registered name.
Tag came into this world embraced in our hands, and she left the same way, suddenly collapsing
and passing in our arms before much could be done to help her. It was very sad, considering she
brought so much joy and happiness into our lives.
Tag was an AKC Champion, and she had achieved some class wins in the CKCSC, USA amid many comments at how beautiful she was at every age. Most exciting for Charlie was when he
proudly escorted her onto the green carpet at Westminster in 2015.
Tag and her sister, “Boo” were always together, and seemed to strike the same side-by-side pose
in every picture they were in together. Tag was more independent than her sister and would only
climb into your lap when she wanted and wouldn’t stay a minute more than she wanted to.
Tag loved her toys, especially her Nylabone. She’d walk around for hours with it in her mouth, then lay down in her “splat” position with it between her paws. She would protect that bone with her life, giving a low growl if anyone else even approached. I guess she didn’t like where we kept the toy box, because she would drag it out from the corner into the middle of the room, then rummage through it until she found the particular toy she wanted. She was addicted to TV, climbing on the end table and turning on the remote when we weren’t home. She would go on the attack if even a cartoon dog flashed on the screen. But the weirdest thing she did was sit in front of the woodburning stove and stare at the flames of the fire. Visitors would notice this behavior and ask, “Is she OK?”
At night, when the younger ones went into the bathroom to have their teeth brushed, Boo would
always stay out with me to get a bedtime treat. After observing Boo was still in the kitchen, Tag
decided she would hang out with Boo and me. Tag would sit, always to the left of Boo, and the
two of them would “sit pretty” for their treat, then bound into the bedroom when I would say,
“OK, girls, let’s go to bed.” It is very difficult now when Boo charges in alone.

AKC Champion
BlackFire Plaza Suite
June 8, 2012 - September 29, 2023
From his unexpected arrival in a Connecticut hotel (hence, his name), Hubbell, aka Hubbs, was a beautiful, extra sweet boy. He was truly the sweetest of the sweetest Cavaliers. His name stemmed from the movie, “The Way We Were.” In the last scene, Katie (Barbra Streisand) and Hubbell (Robert Redford), bid a heartbreaking farewell. The Plaza Hotel looms in the background.
Always by our side, always ready to please, he was the only one who would follow any and all direction we would give when we gave it. He could ignore a 30-inch fence, erected to keep him out, and clear it like it was 3 inches tall. He loved to chase bubbles, jumping high in the air to catch them, then shaking his head, surprised, when he did, acquiring the additional nickname “Hubble Bubble.” He had a special connection with Alyssa. He would sit on his hind legs, front paws on her shoulders, and they would have a conversation. We had to be careful using cell phones and tablets in the sun, because the reflection off the glass screen would have him attacking the bouncing light as if it were a butterfly. He loved being up high and balancing on the very top of the recliner. On your lap, he loved to nuzzle his head deep into your neck, trying to get as close as possible.
We loved our Hubbs so much. We will all miss him.
BlackFire Banjo
From Andy's loving owner:
Andy was a great dog right from the start. By 11 weeks old he was pretty much housebroken; he never had any accidents in the house. In obedience training, he shined. While at Old Westbury Gardens during a “Dog Days” event, AKC offered the Canine Good Citizen test. Although we never practiced for it, we gave it a try. Andy passed on his first attempt and received his certificate.
At home, Andy was just a sweet, little love bug. In the true Cavalier fashion, he followed me everywhere I went. If I didn’t close the bathroom door securely when I took a shower, you-know-who would be sitting on the bathrug waiting for me. When watching TV in the evening, it was not unusual to have a lapful of Andy. His love and companionship will be missed and will never be forgotten.

AKC Grand Champion
BlackFire Exit Poll
October 1, 2012 - January 14, 2021
Snagglepuss (GCH/CH BlackFire Exit Poll) was one of six puppies. Of the six, three took to the show ring like troopers and became AKC Champions; all sweet, affectionate puppies, Snaggle, was the sweetest, with a long, flowing, straight, smooth coat.
When Snaggle was six weeks old, he began singing along whenever our granddaughter Alyssa would break into song. A YouTube video duet of Snaggle and Alyssa singing “Sherry” went viral with 3500 views. Aside from his vocals as a puppy, Snaggle was a mellow dog. He loved “spa” treatments. He would burrow down into the warm bath water and totally relax, not willing to stand, loving the massage and the attention. But his food bowl was his alone, and he usually carried it around in his mouth to make sure.
Snaggle was so mellow, he would lie on the floor, ears spread, while his older brother, Dylan, chewed the hair off one ear. This lopsided look delayed his show career a bit, but nothing could stop him once his ear hair grew back, getting his AKC Grand Championship in record time.
Snaggle’s favorite thing was to romp with his brothers, Dylan and Hubbel, running and following them around. He was our Son-In-Law Troy’s favorite Cavalier. Snaggle unexpectedly developed a heart murmur at age 4-1/2 and left the show ring. Shortly after he went to live with Jane Johnson Booth. Last year, an atrial tear was found in Snaggle’s heart, which took our beautiful boy from us. Thank you, Jane, for the care you gave Snaggle in the end. Troy will take care of him now.
BlackFire Irish Amber
July 24, 2004 - December 11, 2020
Murphy was one of two beautiful boys born to Bexley (AKC and CKCSC Champion Chadwick September Song At Blackfire). When he was just a pup, we realized that he had a wonderful Cavalier temperament, a perfect Cavalier head, and was smart to boot.
We expected that he would follow in his mother's footsteps, and we brought him out on the show circuit. In one of his first shows, he won Best Puppy in Breed and placed third in Puppy Group, which reaffirmed our expectations. As he matured, however, we realized that he looked much better when he was moving toward the judge than when he was moving away, and we abandoned hope of a show career. When we had his sperm evaluated and were told he was sterile, our hopes for him as a stud dog were likewise dashed.
Despite what we thought were setbacks, Murphy never missed a beat. Not well suited to the show ring, he became a well-trained Obedience dog. He was quite good at it, but his gregarious nature prevented him from earning a title. Part of the qualification is the "long down," where we would have him lie down, and we would then walk to the other side of the room. He would have to stay in the down position for 5 minutes. But he couldn't stand to be away from us, so he would belly-crawl all the way across the room just to be with us. Disqualified!
Where Murphy really was a Champion was in our annual Cavalier Easter Egg Hunt, where he found more eggs than any other of our dogs, year after year. He also provided a dog's eye view on our YouTube videos by carrying the "Murphy Cam" mounted on his back, with nary a complaint.
Murphy's true strength was in his great personality, his ease of making friends with everybody, and his loyalty to us. He will be greatly missed.

AKC Champion
BlackFire Trifecta
October 4, 2006 - October 7, 2020
Derby was one of three tricolors (a trifecta!) born to BlackFire At The Garden “Madison” on October 4, 2006. She was always a wonderful companion – playful as a puppy, torturing our Japanese Chin who was the same age but much smaller, but gentle and affectionate to her human family.
She had a very successful show career, finishing her AKC Championship in 2010, and winning a CKCSC major when she took Reserve Best In Show later that same year. When she was on the green carpet in Westminster, a friend commented that her tail just would not quit wagging happily the entire time she was in the ring.
Derby was a great mother, giving us 16 fabulous puppies in 4 litters. Three of her offspring became AKC Champions, and two of those were Grand Champions. We now have Derby’s great grandpuppies, and they are just as beautiful as Derby was.
Late in her retirement, Derby was adopted by a loving family, where she lived with one of her daughters, and brought lots of love to the humans in her new home. We will forever be grateful to Rachel and Christine for loving her as much as we did, and giving her the very best of care.
Derby passed away peacefully in her sleep, just 3 days after her 14th birthday. She will be greatly missed, but her spirit lives on in her descendants.
BlackFire Emil's Billet-Doux
Madeline made her show debut in York, Pennsylvania when she was just a puppy. Although she never achieved any titles as a show dog, her sweet disposition brought untold happiness to her owners, Maureen and Caitlin. Right up to her last moments of life, she never lost her regal presence or her adventurous spirit. She gave her human partners the final gift of lying down in her favorite spot, and falling asleep for the last time. Madeline will always be their favorite: strong, beautiful, smart ... and adventurous!
Most of all, she started them on a long journey of showing and breeding Cavaliers.

BlackFire It's A Wrap
2005 - 2019
Rapper and his sister Gracie were the last puppies produced by AKC and CKCSC Champion Chadwick September Song (Bexley), one of the finest Cavaliers we ever bred.
Rapper lived right across the street from the beach in Fort Lauderdale, and although he didn't care much for the water, he loved going for long walks on the beach, and would wade in the surf to cool off.
He helped his daddy Ross teach Yoga, and was a fixture in the classes, loved by all of the students.
A great companion, Rapper will be sorely missed.
BlackFire Dark Thicket NA, NAJ
2010 - 2019
Bramble's mother was Brûlée, a sweet girl we imported from France, and her father was McCallum, an accomplished Agility dog.
So it was only natural that Bramble would herself achieve success in the Agility ring, earning titles in both AKC and CKCSC-USA, and still have a perfect Cavalier temperament.
When she wasn't running Agility, Bramble was the sweetest comfort dog you could possibly wish for. She wanted nothing more than to sit on our laps and cuddle.
During her breeding career, she produced seven beautiful puppies, all of whom inherited her sweet personality. One of her sons, Hubbell, gained recognition in the conformation ring, earning an AKC Championship. Hubbell also gave Bramble the opportunity to be a grandmother ten times over, and one of her grandchildren is SnapChat, who is one of our breeding girls. Hopefully, there will someday be Bramble great-grandchildren.
In her retirement, Bramble was adopted by a loving couple in Brooklyn, who provided the very best home we could hope for, and gave her outstanding care right up until the end.
Rest easy, Bramble ... but never stop jumping!

BlackFire Say G'Nite Gracie
2005 - 2017
Gracie was one of two puppies in the last litter produced by CH Chadwick September Song at BlackFire (Bexley).
As she grew gracefully into adulthood, she maintained her beauty, her energy, and her good nature. Dubbed the "Grand Dame Of Hamilton Place" by her neighbors, she loved to play with her canine friends Nicky, Portia, and Pierce, as well as with her human neighbors. On the days her owner took her to work, she delighted all the people she came in contact with.
Like her mother Bexley, Gracie did not show a trace of heart disease right up to her final days. She will be missed by all who had the good fortune to know her.
BlackFire Tiny Tim "Timmy"
2005 - 2016
Timmy was one of three in Samantha's second litter, a wonderful Christmas present that came to us two days early. He was so much smaller than his sister Breeeze and his big brother Fezzi that his name was a natural.
He brought years of faithful companionship to his daddy Pete, who said, "he was and always will be the biggest joy in my life." His dad and his adopted brother Chaucer will miss him greatly.

Chadwick Pinckney at BlackFire
2003 - 2016
Pinckney came to us courtesy of Anne Eckersley and Pam Taub. A 13 pound cobby little girl, Pinck was always a bundle of energy and a lot of fun. Treats made her spin in circles, all four feet on the ground, with eyes never leaving the treat—a neat little trick. When she wagged her tail, her whole body wriggled, and we’d all say, “Pinckney, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle,” and she’d happily oblige.
When she was 11 years old, our granddaughter Alyssa needed a Cavalier to show in Junior Sportsmanship; Pinck was there. As much fun as Pinck could be at home, in the ring she was always well-behaved and the perfect lady, a perfect dog for a Junior handler. Alyssa and Pinck formed a close bond, so Pinck retired to Florida and happily lived with Alyssa there.
At the age of 13, Pinck died peacefully in her sleep.
Run free Pinckney, and don’t let anyone touch your feet.
Brown Sugar of Woodville at BlackFire
2006 - 2016
Brûlée came to us from France, and won our hearts right away with her sweet personality. We are forever grateful to breeder Wendy Lhote for sharing her little girl with us.
Brûlée touched the lives of so many people in her ten years, and all of them will miss her terribly. However, her good nature and lovely attributes live on, through her daughters Bramble and Flirt, her grandson Hubbell, and her many other grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Vivre la Brûlée!

BlackFire Killian's Red "Killian"
2004 - 2015
When he was a puppy, he would run around the yard for hours, playing with his brother Murphy, until the two of them would collapse in exhaustion on the dog bed.
With his adopted family, he was truly an integral part of the family - no matter what the occasion, he needed to be in the middle of everything.
Always a good-looking boy, Killian would evoke compliments from everyone who met him. He will always be missed by those who loved him.

CKCSC and AKC Champion
Chadwick Bewitched at BlackFire
Samantha was striking, even at six months old. When she won her first major, the judge wanted to take her home. But as sweet as she was, Sammi always had a streak of independence. As we continued to show her, she became more and more bossy in the ring. She would bark at us, as if to say, "Give me my treat now!" Fortunately, there were enough judges that could see past that behavior, and appreciated her many fine qualities. She eventually became a dual Champion.
She produced puppies, who in turn produced more puppies, and we still have three of her great-grandchildren in our household. In her line are Champion BlackFire Trifecta and Champion BlackFire October Surprise.
We loved her completely, and learned to accept her independent nature. Right up to her final days, she insisted on ownership rights to her crate - if any of the other dogs tried to sleep in it, she would stare them down, and bark until they gave it up to her.
We'll miss you, Sammi, but you will always live on in your progeny.

BlackFire Pretty in Pinck "Diva"
2008 - 2014
She was a Diva in every sense of the word.
She brought sunshine and happiness into our home,
and later into her adopted home.
Her owners said it best: "Although our family has loved
all of our animals – Diva was like no other.
She came into our loves like a meteor – lived up to
her name – and left us far too soon.
She was everyone’s favorite.”
She is missed today, and will always be loved.
Blackfire Li'l Fan "Breeeze"
2005 - 2014
Breeeze was so dear to us; she stayed
in our home for a long time before we found
just the right family to love and care for her.
Although she is gone, she remains in our hearts
and in the hearts of her adoptive family.
Happily, her "cousin" Lexi was adopted by
a member of that very family.

AKC and CKCSC Champion
Chadwick September Song at BlackFire
1997 - 2013
Bexley came from our very first litter,
and we always said that we didn't pick her
to keep - she picked us. She was always
the first puppy in the litter to come over to
us when we approached the pen; how
could we resist?
Over the course of her lifetime, she compiled
an impressive record of CKCSC class wins
and finished her AKC Championship,
but perhaps her greatest accomplishment
in the ring came in 2010 when she was awarded
Best in Show by Judge Lydia Coleman-Hutchinson,
just 3 weeks before her 13th birthday.
She followed that a few months later by being awarded
her second major by Judge Barb Curley,
thereby finishing her CKCSC-USA Championship.
She is believed to be the oldest Cavalier in the
long history of the club to finish a Championship.
Bexley always provided us with plenty of laughs.
She was something of a pack rat, going around and
collecting dog toys, slippers, leashes, and anything else
we would leave lying around. She never chewed
or destroyed them - she just enjoyed collecting them.
At one dog show, she collected all of the leashes
in the hotel room and brought them up onto the bed.
The funny part is that her mother, Widget, was
still attached to one of them!
Bexley lived a long and healthy life, staying free of
any heart murmur until she was 12 years old.
She passed away at home in Katie's arms
at the age of 15 1/2.
Our deepest thanks go to co-breeder Anne Eckersley
for making it possible for Bexley to become
an unforgettable part of our lives.
BlackFire Opus One
2002 - 2011
Casey was Bexley's very first puppy.
He was the only one in his litter, and we
originally named him "Opie." His adoptive family
gave him his new name, as well as a lot of love
over the years. He loved to start each day with a walk
on the beach, and he watched the children grow up.
He lived a good life, and he will be missed.

BlackFire Keepin' the Faith
January 11, 2011 - May 2, 2011
You fought so hard during your much too short life,
overcoming your cleft palate and growing into the sweetest,
most beautiful little girl. We knew you had a big heart,
but we couldn't imagine that its weakness would take you
from us so soon. Those of us who knew you will always
hold a special place in our hearts for you.
Chadwick Flying Solo
2002 - 2009
Widget's last puppy

1993 - 2008
Mopsy was a silver and white Shih Tzu who thought she was a Cavalier. We bought Mopsy for Mom shortly after Dad died. The two were inseparable for 11 years, until Mom had to enter a nursing home and Mopsy came to live with us. Mopsy, always friends with our Cavaliers, started behaving like a Cavalier. When people would come to look at puppies, Mopsy would come off whatever piece of furniture she happened to be sleeping on to say hello and let everyone know she was just as cute as any Cavalier. Her favorite time of day was 3:00 pm when Katie and Mopsy would go to visit Mom. Smart as a whip but testy with children (I’m sure David Robins will never forget her), she survived the removal of a tumor and her spleen at age 12, and behaved like a puppy at meal time almost to the end. She always loved to frolic with our new puppies.
In the midst of our joy over our new litter of Cavalier pups, Mopsy, now 14½, was united with Mom on May 17. Murphy attended and sat respectfully at the gravesite while we buried her. We loved her, and we will all miss her terribly.
Good girl, Mopsy.
Chadwick Blackout at BlackFire
July 16, 1995 -- March 15, 2007
A great dog with a good heart -
You'll be sorely missed,
and always young in our hearts.

Chadwick Phantom of the Opera
January 16, 1991 -- July 14, 2004
Thank you, Phanny, for
always keeping us laughing.