BlackFire Cavaliers
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Breeders

Cavalier King Charles
Spaniel Club, USA

Breeder of Merit
Celebrating 45 Years With Cavaliers
Charlie Weidig and Kate Kennedy
Huntington, New York 11743
For Puppy Inquiries -
For Training Questions and YouTube Comments -
Website last updated April 3, 2024
Welcome Visitor Number

The Home of BlackFire Cavaliers
We have owned Cavalier King Charles Spaniels since 1978, when Katie inherited Winston, an unbelievably good and lovable Blenheim male. When she inherited Charlie (the other human in the house) two years later, he too fell in love with Winston and the breed. We first joined the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club, USA in 1981, and have always had at least one Cavalier since then. Today we have a wonderful Cavalier family, pictured below. The foundation of Blackfire Cavaliers was acquired through the help and mentoring of Anne Eckersley-Robins, whom we consider to be one of the premier Cavalier breeders in the United States today. We remain active in the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club USA (Charlie represents the Northeast region on the Board of Directors, he has chaired several committees, including Ethics, By-Laws, and Policies and Procedures, and he is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club USA Judge; Katie served on the Board of Directors for four years as CKCSC, USA Secretary) and we also register our dogs and show them in the American Kennel Club.
Although we originally became interested in breeding in order to insure that we would never be without a Cavalier, for the last few decades our goal has been to improve the breed by breeding healthy Cavaliers who, to us, embody the qualities of the breed standard. We are strong advocates of rigorous health testing; we have not bred a bitch who has not been cleared by specialists for heart, eyes, hips and patella. We require the same health testing of the stud dogs to whom we breed. Mindful of this goal, we have always been cautious and sparing in our breeding. We believe that it is the quality of litters, rather than the quantity, that define a kennel.
You may view a 4-generation pedigree for any of our breeding bitches by clicking on the name, if it is highlighted as a hyperlink.

Now available - an exciting new children's book
from BlackFire's own Katie Kennedy!
An inspirational and uplifting story about a REAL dog who had to overcome adversity as a puppy. Mulligan Man is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy (BlackFire With A Purpose "Mulligan"), destined to be a show dog. Before his show ring career gets started, he meets with a tragic accident that prevents him from fulfilling his destiny. With the help of his human and dog family members, he must overcome his fears and find another purpose in life. Written for ages 7 to 11 ... but can be enjoyed by anyone of any age!
Written by our own Katie Kennedy, and gloriously illustrated by our granddaughter Alyssa J McLaughlin!
To order your copy today, click on the link below!
Also available on Amazon UK and Amazon Australia

Watch video clips of our Cavaliers
wherever you see the video icon!
How it all began ...
Our very first Cavaliers, Winston and Churchill

Winston 1973-1987
We were never very sure about his origins, but he was the very best rescue dog you could ever ask for. If it were not for Winston, we would never have gotten to know what a wonderful breed Cavaliers are, and there would likely not be a BlackFire.

Churchill 1985-1995
Chadwick Little Firecracker
She had the biggest eyes, the biggest heart, and "a great little body." We will always be indebted to Anne Eckersley for bringing this wonderful girl into our lives, and we will never understand the injustice of how she was taken from us by cancer at a young ten years of age.
Are you looking for a puppy?
We advise anyone looking for a reputable breeder to ask the following questions:
1. Is the mother of the puppy on the premises?
If the answer is no, you are not speaking to a breeder. Move on.
2. At what age do you breed your Cavaliers?
We recommend that you consider only breeders who wait until their Cavaliers are at least 2 1/2 years old before breeding.
3. What health testing do you do on the parents of the puppy?
In order to reduce the chance that your puppy will suffer from an inherited disease, you should receive written certification that both parents have the following health clearances:
• Clear of heart disease by a cardiologist within the past year
• Clear of eye problems by an ophthalmologist within the past year
• Clear of patella (knee) luxation by a veterinarian within the past year
• Clear of hip dysplasia by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals
after the age of two
We are happy to help you find a reputable breeder in your area - feel free to call or email
Please follow this link for more detailed information on how to locate a reputable breeder
BlackFire News

On February 11, 2024, Bella (BlackFire Bella Rossa) was awarded Best Of Winners at the Progressive Dog Club show in Tarrytown, NY. Thanks to judge Albert Easdon of the UK for giving Bella her first AKC Major!
At the November 2023 Cavaliers of the Northeast specialty show in Frederick, Maryland, Apple was named Best Tricolor In Show by judge Lynn Crane of the United Kingdom.

In February of 2023, Jamba had a great weekend at the Rockland County Kennel Club show in West Springfield, MA. On Saturday, he was named Best of Winners by judge June Penta for a 3-point major, and on Sunday he took Winners Dog under judge James J Mitchell for a second major.
With these wins, Jamba finished his AKC Championship, and will henceforth be named Champion Blackfire All Night Long.
On May 21, 2023, Bella led the BlackFire pack by being named Best Of Opposite Sex by judge Cesar Cortes at the Long Island Kennel Club show in Oyster Bay, NY

The BlackFire Family Photo Album
BlackFire Bella Rossa
Born August 30, 2021
CH Dreamvale Gentleman Jack
at Fieldsedge, AW
BlackFire Nevertheless She

BlackFire New York
State Of Mind
Born June 21, 2021
Infinidad Instant Gratification
BlackFire Made For Walkin

BlackFire All Night Long
Born January 23, 2021
Infinidad Instant Gratification
BlackFire Nevertheless She Persisted

Follow Jamba's development from puppy to adult Cavalier on his own YouTube playlist!

Achievements and Candid Photos

On May 23, 2022, 11 month old Apple (BlackFire New York State Of Mind) did very well in her first AKC show weekend in Oyster Bay, NY. On Friday, among a small entry, she deservedly took Best Of Breed. Sunday presented a much more competitive field, and she was impressive as she earned Best Of Opposite Sex under judge Joseph Buchanan. We were proud of our boy Jamba (BlackFire All Night Long), who grabbed a couple of Reserve Winner ribbons as he got acclimated to the outdoor show ring. Our baby Bella (BlackFire Bella Rossa) got some good experience in her first AKC show, winning her class, and she was unquestionably the cutest one in the ring.

On December 15, 2017, Tag was awarded a 3-point major when judge Terry Stacy named her Winners Bitch at the Lehigh Valley KC show. With this win, she became AKC Champion BlackFire I Approved This Message, and is the third Cavalier from her litter to earn a Championship.

On July 8, 2016, Snaggle was named Winners Dog and Best of Winners
by judge Murrel Purkhiser at the Kenilworth KC show in West Springfield, MA
to become AKC CHAMPION BlackFire Exit Poll

At the 2016 Westminster Kennel Club show in New York, Hubbell (BlackFire Plaza Suite) was awarded WINNERS DOG and BEST OF WINNERS by respected judge Charlotte Patterson.
Hubbell was handled expertly by his owner - and our granddaughter - Alyssa McLaughlin.....
On October 22, 2015,
Boo was named Best of
Opposite Sex at the Riverhead Kennel Club Show
In West Springfield, MA
by Judge Marcie Dobkin
to earn the title of Grand Champion!

"I'm ready for my close-up!"
Lizzie (BlackFire Nevertheless She Persisted)
is all primped for the show ring.
Mom is Boo (BlackFire October Surprise),
and Dad is Dylan (BlackFire Simple Twist Of Fate)

BlackFire Kodak Moment "SnapChat"
at 4 months of age. Mom is Kodak (BlackFire Open Me First), and Dad is Hubbell (BlackFire Plaza Suite)
BlackFire Mark Of Distinction "Smudge" at 3 months of age. Mom is Tag (BlackFire I Approved This Message), and Dad is Hubbell (BlackFire Plaza Suite)

On April 5, 2015, Hubbell was awarded Best Of Breed by judge Paula Hartinger at the Greater Orange Park Dog Club show in Elkton, Florida for a 3-point major.
On March 21, 2015, Boo won a 4-point major at the New Brunswick Kennel Club show under judge Barbara Pepper to finish her AKC Championship.

At the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in February of 2015, Tag was named Reserve Winners Bitch by judge Cindy Vogels.

Charlie and Boo

Tag struts her stuff in the ring

Boo and Tag show off the ribbons they won
at the Long Island AKC dog shows
September 27-29, 2013

On February 7, 2014,
BlackFire October Surprise "Boo"
earned her first AKC Major
at the Progressive Dog Club show in New York City
under judge Judy Webb

In April of 2014, Hubbell took
Best of Winners
at the Heartland Dog Club of Florida

Then in July, Boo took Best of Winners
at the Twin Brooks Kennel Club show
for her second major!

Tag strikes a pose for the camera

On February 11, 2013, Dylan was awarded
Reserve Winners Dog at the Westminster Dog Show
by Judge Charlotte Patterson

Proud grandfather and breeder!

On May 18, 2013, Dylan was awarded
Winners Dog and Best of Winners
under Judge Jocelyne Gagne
at the Ladies' Kennel Association show
in Oyster Bay, New York
... his second major!

on December 1, 2013,
Ch. BlackFire Simple Twist of Fate - "Dylan"
finished his AKC Championship
at the South Dade Kennel Club show
under breed judge Elaine Lessig

On June 10, 2011, at the Cavaliers of the Northeast specialty in Danbury, CT,
judge Jacqueline Rusby awarded Flair
(BlackFire Shows Class)
Reserve Best in Show, Best Tricolor in Show, and Best Bred by Exhibitor in Show.

At the COS/CMW Specialty Weekend
in Nashville - Dec 3-5, 2010,
AKC Ch. BlackFire Trifecta, "Derby,"
was awarded Reserve Best in Show
by judge Kathy Aycock!

Bramble is an accomplished Agility dog...
...She holds AKC titles in both Standard and
Jumpers with Weaves.

CKCSC and AKC Champion Chadwick Bewitched at Blackfire "Sammi"
On chaise:
Chadwick Pinckney at Blackfire "Pinck"
Blackfire At The Garden "Madison" (Sammi's daughter)
Blackfire Irish Amber "Murphy"
BlackFire Irish Amber
Born July 24, 2004
Ch Immenhof's Coriander of Chadwick
Ch Chadwick September Song at BlackFire

BlackFire Irish Amber "Murphy"
Chadwick Pinckney at BlackFire "Pinck"

Four generations of BlackFire Cavaliers:
Chadwick Blackout at BlackFire "Widget" front left
Daughter Ch. Chadwick September Song at BlackFire "Bexley" back right
Grandson BlackFire Irish Amber "Murphy" back left
and Great-Grandsons BlackFire Giblet Gravy "Albert" bottom center
and BlackFire Pilgrim's Pride "Pilgrim" bottom right
On February 13, 2012, Derby competed
at the Westminster Kennel Club show
at Madison Square Garden in New York

Derby wins Best Tricolor in Show
Cavaliers of the Northeast
Baltimore, Maryland
June 7, 2008
Our little French girl,
Brown Sugar of Woodville at Blackfire
Bred by Wendy L'Hote
of Garancieres, France

Brûlée's pups all grown up
Left to Right:
BlackFire Sweden's French Kiss "Flirt"
BlackFire Aquavit n Bordeaux "Bracer"
BlackFire Emil's Billet-Doux "Madeline"
and Brown Sugar of Woodville at Blackfire "Brûlée"
CKCSK and AKC Champion
Chadwick Bewitched at Blackfire
Pictured here at 6 months of age.
Sammi lived to be 14 1/2 years old,
and produced lots of terrific puppies, granpuppies, and great-grandpuppies!

On April 3, 2005, Sammi (right) was named
Reserve Winners Bitch
at the Cavaliers of the South specialty in Atlanta,
and finished her CKCSC-USA championship!
Pictured here next to Winners Bitch
CKCSC Champion and English Champion
Ricksbury Royal Temptation at Pinecrest
Chadwick Pinckney at Blackfire
Pinck passed away at the age of 13.
(Photo by Alyssa McLaughlin
BlackFire Images)

AKC and CKCSC Champion
Chadwick September Song at Blackfire
Bexley turned heads throughout the Cavalier world when she was named Best In Show at a Cavaliers of the Northeast specialty by judge Lydia Coleman Hutchinson, just 3 weeks before her 13th birthday!
On December 3, 2010
Judge Barb Curley awarded Bexley
Reserve Winners Bitch,
which made her a new CKCSC, USA
Champion at the age of 13!

Ch. Chadwick September Song at Blackfire
with her mother,
Chadwick Blackout at Blackfire
We welcome inquiries from anyone interested in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. If we cannot place a puppy with you, we will make sure to put you in touch with a responsible breeder. We also welcome questions or comments from fellow Cavalier owners.
To see more of our puppies, click on the Puppy Pictures link below.
Having problems raising a puppy? Visit our Puppy Training page for some help!
Also, if you're new to Cavaliers, don't miss our Health Issues page for a brief summary of what you should know about avoiding potential health problems. Follow the link on that page for more detailed information.
Our Favorite Links
For more information about Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, we highly recommend these sites:
East Coast Cavalier Breeders
The Cavalier Infocenter
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club, USA
Meadowlands Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club
Chadwick Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
Dallarock Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
Pet Friendly New York City Hotels